Contest - Win a sustainable Christmas gift!

It all started
with a thought...

... that was everything but normal

“The normal way of growing lettuce is not sustainable” – this thought struck us already seven years ago. What began as countless experiments and innovations from our time in a small garage in Tibro has now grown into Sweden’s largest vertical indoor farm, with a weekly capacity of 7 tons of lettuce – all powered by 100% green electricity.

Our lettuce has approximately 50% lower carbon footprint (compared to imported lettuce)* and is packaged within an hour of harvest. Better for the planet and absolutely much tastier on your plate.

The result is a completely normal salad, grown the Supernormal way.

*This has been documented in an independent Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) conducted by Michael Alan Martin and Mugahid Elnour, “Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of a Large-Scale Commercial Vertical Farm” (May 31, 2023), which can be read in its entirety on SSRN:

Normal vs.

"We grow indoors in a circular cultivation system. This allows us to grow all year round, closer to you. The closed environment ensures you don't have to eat a salad that has been sprayed with pesticides. It doesn't even need to be rinsed before it's ready to eat. We call it growing the Supernormal way."

piece of crispy salad




Supernormal Krispsallad

Supernormal Krispsallad

A thick-leaved lettuce with a curly top and delightful crispiness.

Supernormal rödbladig sallad

Supernormal rödbladig sallad

The leaves have a rich flavor with a balanced bitterness.


Erik Lundgren
CR&DO - Development Team

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Erik Lundgren, CR&DO - Development Team